VODG Welcomes New Labour Government

VODG welcomes the new government and the opportunity for change, emphasising the need to prioritise disabled people.

05 Jul 2024
by Rhidian Hughes

Responding to the confirmation of a new Labour government, Dr Rhidian Hughes, Chief Executive of the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG) says:

'The change in government provides a welcome and much needed opportunity to refocus and reprioritise what is important to the country.

‘The government faces significant challenges ahead, including putting social care on a surer footing, addressing the cost-of-living crisis which is disproportionately impacting disabled people, and addressing the national scandal of autistic people and people with a learning disability being detained in long-stay hospitals. 

‘Only by prioritising the provision of high-quality support for disabled people of all ages, will we have a fairer society where everyone is able to thrive.

‘We look forward to working with the new government, and allies across party lines, to improve the environment within which third sector organisations work, to ensure disabled people are able to live the lives they choose.’


VODG is calling on the new government to:

  • Fully fund the delivery of services for disabled people, including the full costs of commissioned services delivered by third sector providers.

  • Ensure public bodies adopt a transformative approach to impact-based commissioning that maximises partnership building with disabled people, DPOs, the third sector and local communities to enable innovation to flourish.

  • Recognise the valued role played by the social care workforce in the life chances and experience of disabled people and their families. As a starting point this should include parity of pay, recognition and career progression as in the NHS.

  • Commit all government departments to the co-production of policy with disabled people, Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) and third sector providers so that decisions about disabled people are made with disabled people.

  • Prioritise and properly invest in building the right support in the community for autistic people and people with a learning disability who remain in long-stay hospitals.

  • Ensure disabled children, young people and their families are prioritised and receive the support they need in a joined-up way across the education, health and social care systems.

  • Alleviate the disproportionate impact of the rising cost of living on people with disabilities by providing an 'essentials guarantee' in universal credit.
  • Increase the availability, affordability and accessibility of housing in places people want to live.

You can find out more about our policy asks of the new government in our Election 2024 hub.

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