VODG's Response to Lord Darzi's Review

Disabled people face significant health inequalities and barriers to accessing the healthcare they need. The NHS will only be able to meet people's needs in partnership with social care and the third sector.

12 Sep 2024
by Sarah Woodhouse

Lord Darzi was asked by the Secretary of State for Health and Social care to undertake a rapid investigation of the state of the NHS, assessing patient access, quality of care and the overal performance of the health system.

VODG wrote to Lord Darzi setting out the importance of including social care within this review, the critical role played by the third sector in supporting the NHS to achieve its aims, and the experience of disabled people, who too often face significant health inequalities and inequity of access, treatment and care. 

Our letter to Lord Darzi can be found here

Lord Darzi's findings can be found here