VODG Responds to ADASS Spring Survey 2024

VODG Responds to the ADASS Spring Survey results, painting a stark picture for the new government that urgent social care change is needed.

16 Jul 2024
by Rhidian Hughes

Responding to the ADASS Spring Survey of adult social care directors in England, Dr Rhidian Hughes, Chief Executive of the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG) says: 

‘The latest evidence from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services demonstrates the urgent need for the new government to prioritise adult social care funding and reform alongside its ambitions for the NHS. While the two are funded and operate separately, we will increasingly see councils failing to meet the needs of those it is has a statutory duty to support.

‘The experience councils face with budgets at full stretch, and many using reserves to prop up services, is shared by third sector providers. 

‘With mounting need, over 418,000 people still waiting for an assessment or for their care to begin, and decreasing investment in continuing healthcare, prevention and third sector provision, radical action is needed to reframe relationships and rebalance power between the different parts of the system. The decline needs to be reversed.

‘Disability charities echo ADASS’ call for councils to have a multi-year settlement to provide stability to the market and more personalised support for individuals and families in need.’