VODG Comments on the Green Party Manifesto and calls for the next government commits all government departments to the co-production of policy with disabled people, disabled people’s organisations and third sector providers.
‘It is a welcome and long overdue to step forward that both the Liberal Democrats and Green Party manifestos have been published in Easy Read. It is essential that democracy is as accessible as possible and we echo the call to all parties to produce both Easy Read materials and BSL interpretation as a starting point.
'The Green manifesto is the most inclusive of disabled people of all ages, published so far. Despite 24% of the population in the UK having a disability and 31% of disabled people living in poverty (JRF), disabled people have been largely overlooked in party manifesto promises. This is the first manifesto of this election campaign which sets out a clear ambition for disabled people and recognises the challenges they face in almost all aspects of life, from welfare and transport to health and education.
‘Of course, plans can always go further and real change is only going to be realised if the next government commits all government departments to the co-production of policy with disabled people, disabled people’s organisations and third sector providers, so that decisions about disabled people are made with disabled people.’
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JRF UK Poverty Report 2024: https://www.jrf.org.uk/uk-poverty-2024-the-essential-guide-to-understanding-poverty-in-the-uk