29 May 2018

The latest STOMP for social care news

2018 (WEB) STOMP NEWS (3rd Ed)
Welcome to the latest edition of STOMP News, the e-bulletin for social care providers committed to STopping Over-Medication of People with a learning disability, autism or both. In this edition you will find information about: 
  • STOMP pledge for health services 
  • Inquest into the death of Oliver McGowan 
  • Resources and 
  • STOMP in practice including case studies.
If you have not already subscribed, you can register here to receive future editions of STOMP news.
STOMP pledge for health services
The STOMP pledge for health services has now been launched by NHS England. This applies to the NHS, not-for-profit and private sector health services. You are encouraged to promote this by asking healthcare providers if they have signed up to STOMP and giving them the web address: www.england.nhs.uk/STOMP
Inquest into the death of Oliver McGowan
Oliver McGowan’s family describe him as having a ‘can do’ attitude and being a natural leader. He died, aged 18, following an adverse reaction to antipsychotic medication. 
Paula McGowan, Oliver’s mother said: "We remain adamant that Oliver would not have died if he had not been administered the Olanzapine, which we expressly forbade, that the coroner found triggered the NMS [Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome], a significant contributory factor to his death."
Deborah Coles, director of Inquest concludes, "This inquest has shone a light on the over-medication of learning disabled people, which is a widespread issue which must be addressed to stop yet more preventable deaths."
CQC positive behaviour support guide
A reminder that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has produced a brief guide to positive behaviour support. This document sets out CQC's position for the purpose of inspections.
Congratulations to Alderwood who have received an 'outstanding' rating, due to their work on delivering a truly person-centred service, including taking effective steps to tackle over-medication.
New STOMP films from Walsingham Support
Walsingham Support has produced two short films of a STOMP workshop at their involvement conference. These explain in straightforward terms why providers are tackling over-medication and what people can expect from providers who have signed up to STOMP.
Medication pathway resource for families
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation have produced an online interactive resource. Families who prefer printed information can order by calling the CBF family support line: 0300 666 0126.
STOMP easy read leaflet with a case study  
NHS England has produced an easy read leaflet about the STOMP campaign and how stopping the overuse of psychotropic medication can improve people’s quality of life.
What can I do about challenging behaviour?
The Learning Disability Professional Senate has produced a brief guide for anyone supporting a person with a learning disability who is demonstrating behaviours of concern.
STOMP in practice
In each edition we feature a selection of case studies about STOMP in social care. We are also collating case studies to be made more widely available on the VODG website. Stories are an excellent way of sharing learning and good practice so please send yours to [email protected]
Hertfordshire NHS: Andrew’s story
Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust shares Andrew’s story. This is an easy-read case study about how Andrew was supported to reduce his psychotropic medication.
Dimensions: implementation
Dimensions case study on implementing STOMP in a large provider organisation. Dimensions has also produced a short animation about constipation. Watch the animation here.
Turning Point: Ben's story
Ben’s story describes how positive behaviour support has been used to improve his quality of life, reduce the frequency of incidents and minimise the use of PRN medication.
Jill Parker: where to start?
Jill Parker, senior policy advisor for VODG, blogs on the different approaches organisations have taken to implementing STOMP.
Keep in contact
The twitter hashtag for sharing news and ideas about STOMP is #WeSupportSTOMP
Share the STOMP campaign page (available here) via your social networks to show your support for the initiative.
If you have case studies or resources for sharing in the next edition of STOMP news, please send them to [email protected]
If you are not yet part of the move to eradicate over-medication of people with learning disabilities, autism or both in social care services pledge today here.
And sign up here to receive the latest news about the campaign. 
2018 (WEB) STOMP NEWS (3rd Ed)
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