STOMP: Stopping the over-medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both
STOMP is a health campaign to stop the over-use of psychotropic medication to manage people’s behaviour.
It is estimated that on an average day in England between 30,000 and 35,000 people with a learning disability, autism or both are taking prescribed psychotropic medication without appropriate clinical justification. This is medication which results in alterations to perception, mood or consciousness. Long-term use of these medicines puts people at unnecessary risk of a wide range of side effects including weight gain, organ failure and even premature death.
In response VODG, NHS England and sector stakeholders have developed the STOMP pledge for social care. This aims to improve the quality of life of people with a learning disability, autism or both by supporting providers to ensure they only receive psychotropic medication for the right reasons and in the right amount.
A list of social care providers pledging support to STOMP can be downloaded via this link.
1. Download the STOMP pledge for social care
The pledge offers a framework to support social care providers to identify practical steps they will take to support people to reduce the amount of inappropriate psychotropic medication they take. This document also provides links to useful resources.
2. Download the self-assessment and planning template
The template enables providers to assess their own performance, develop an action plan and measure progress. Please send your completed self-assessment and action plan to [email protected].
3. STOMP News
You can sign up for news and updates and read earlier editions:4. Using the STOMP logo
We are encouraging everyone who is committed to STOMP to promote the campaign by using the 'we support STOMP' logo on emails and publications. A lower resolution version for emails and a higher resolution version for publications are available to download.
5. Further resources
A range of resources have been produced across the health and social care sector to help organisations to deliver their STOMP pledge.
6. #WeSupportSTOMP on social media
Use the hashtag #WeSupportSTOMP to share news of good practice, events and updates.
Sign up to STOMP