STOMP – Count me in! National conference
A cross-sector conference for people who are challenging practices which result in over-medication of people with learning disabilities, autism or bothIt is estimated that on an average day in England between 30,000 and 35,000 people with a learning disability, autism or both are taking prescribed psychotropic medication without appropriate clinical justification. This is medication that results in alterations to perception, mood or consciousness. Long-term use of these medicines puts people at risk of a wide range of side effects including weight gain, organ failure and even premature death.
Count me in! is a cross-sector conference for people who are challenging practices which result in over-medication of people in health and social care services. It will offer insights into what has been achieved so far through the STOMP campaign, provide opportunities for cross-sector discussion and help you think creatively about your next step in tackling overmedication. You may be a health or social care professional, a self-advocate or a family carer. This conference is for you. The campaign hashtag is #WeSupportSTOMPLunch and refreshments are provided. The conference will take place on Tuesday 22 January 2019 in Birmingham. In making a booking terms apply. Reserve your place here.