See Hear | Medical Access Crisis
Dear all
I wanted to flag the new episode of the BBC show, See Hear, now available on BBC iPlayer. It focuses on how poorly the AIS has been implemented, the low levels of awareness with both patients and professionals, and it shares some very powerful and sad stories.
I’d encourage everyone to watch it and to share it to your networks. I appreciate that deaf people are not the only disabled people that need the AIS to work well but I know that the stories shared here have significant similarities with the issues experienced by other disabled people.
I also want to re-state SignHealth’s absolute commitment to working with you all to improve this situation. We have a significant responsibility, as the deaf health charity, to show leadership in this space but we can’t fix this in our own. We need your help and we need to work together to make this better. It’s simply not good enough and it has to change.