Reframing Commissioning | VODG and Collaborate Report

VODG and Collaborate have published a new report on some of the shifts and changes needed to reframe commissioning of third sector support for disabled people.

21 Nov 2024
by Sarah Woodhouse

Reframing Commissioning | Provocations for Change is a new report by Collaborate CiC and the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG), drawing on the insight and expertise of VODG members, commissioners, people with lived experience and sector stakeholders including TLAP, Disability Rights UK, the Local Government Association, ADASS, NHS Confederation, Skills for Care and SCIE.

Our aim is to spark discussion about the opportunities available to reframe commissioning, given the financial challenges facing frontline care and support, and current policy drivers, including the Secretary of State's three shifts for the NHS.

Following several months of conversations, interviews, focus groups and roundtable discussions, we pose a number of practical shifts and provocations for change, to reframe commissioning and put third sector support for disabled people on a surer footing. 

  • We start with the foundations - ensuring the fundamentals are in place so that collaboration, lived experience, long-term thinking and bravery can thrive. 
  • We set out series of shifts in behaviour, that do not cost but can have significant impact on the design, delivery and experience of support.
  • We finish with some questions and invite providers and commissioners to use them to reframe discussions locally. 

Read the Report Here

This work does not sit apart, but alongside the social movements, skills development programmes and local activity already underway. 

If you have any questions or would like to be invovled in this work as it progresses please do get in touch