Put people who use social care services at the centre – VODG responds to new ONS and ADASS data
The Office of National Statistics (ONS) today released the second statistical bulletin in its Coronavirus and the social impacts on disabled people in Great Britain series.The release of this data was later followed by the publication of the ADASS Coronavirus Survey 2020.In response to the findings of both the ONS and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) analysis, Dr Rhidian Hughes, chief executive of VODG said:
“The ONS data shows the full extent to which the coronavirus pandemic has had a detrimental impact on the well-being of disabled people.
“Disabled people are more likely to be concerned about access to healthcare and treatment for non-coronavirus related issues than non-disabled people as well as experiencing greater feelings of loneliness as time goes by. It is a sobering reflection of our society, and of the systems in place to support people, that any inequity in experience is reported at all.
“Alongside this, today we have also learnt from the ADASS Coronavirus Survey 2020 that the onset of the pandemic has led to an increase in the number of people requesting support from local authorities and worrying levels of unmet need.
The ADASS findings highlight a ‘concerning proportion of Directors who believe that there are insufficient primary and community services in their local areas to support local people’s needs’.
Dr Hughes goes on to say:
“ADASS highlight alarming trends, at a time when high quality support services are needed more than ever. If people are not able to access vital services, or are using services not appropriate to their needs, there needs to be an urgent review.
“The pandemic has had a profound impact on the social care sector and this latest research demonstrates the need for social care reform.
“Disabled people who use social care services and their families must be at the centre of our thinking in any future approach to finding solutions that work for everyone.
“VODG stands by to support any efforts that will help to secure sustainable and consistent support for disabled people across the country.”