An opportunity to consider and discuss the findings of HEE and NHS Benchmarking Network’s 2022 survey of service model and workforce composition of VCSE the mental health sector.
Health Education England/NHS Benchmarking 2022 National Workforce Benchmarking Survey of Social Workers and Wider Social Care Workforce Supporting People with Mental Health Conditions - Thursday 6 July 2023 10.00 – 11.30
NHSE/I operational priorities and planning guidance for 2022 anticipated growth and improvement of mental health services. With this in mind, it asked Integrated Care Systems to develop a mental health workforce plan to 2023/24 in collaboration with mental health providers, HEE and partners in the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) and education sector.
This webinar will provide the first opportunity to consider and discuss the findings of HEE and NHS Benchmarking Network’s 2022 survey, undertaken in partnership with the Association of Mental Health Providers, of service model and workforce composition of VCSE the mental health sector, which supports one in eight people with mental health conditions in England.
Contributors include:
Carla Fourie, Director of Social Care, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Rachel Willis, Associate Director of SW Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
Jason Brandon, Mental Health Social Work lead in the Office of the Chief Social Worker, DHSC.
Duncan Tree, Director of Strategy & Relationships, Association of Mental Health Providers