02 Aug 2022
by Katie Hipkiss, Sukhjeen Kaur

Commission on COVID-19, Disablism and Systemic Racism 1

With opportunities to participate in projects and programmes delivered by VODG, our members can share their expertise and contribute to positive developments in the sector.

Funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, the Commission is examining the extent to which negative outcomes have arisen from systemic neglect of social care over many years, worsened by confused governmental approaches throughout the course of the pandemic as well as poor implementation of policy and conflicting guidance.

The work will seek to gather evidence, scrutinise the Department of Health and Social Care’s policies and responses to the pandemic, including ways in which systemic racism may have further worsened outcomes for disabled people of colour, and build solutions and support for transformative and sustainable change in social care, based on justice and human rights. 

*Please see here for a note on language and definitions. Or for more information visit our Key Facts page.

We have appointed a Board of Commissioners to oversee and steer this programme. The Board is led by Disabled people with a wide range of interests and perspectives included.

Meet the Board of Commissioners


Call for Views and Experiences

Can you support the Commission in gathering the evidence needed to hold the UK government to account over failings during the pandemic, and in building solutions for transformative and sustainable change in health and social care?

We are calling on Disabled people and people with long-term health conditions from Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic groups to share their views and experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic as part of our Call for Views and Experiences.

We’re also keen to hear from their families, carers and people who work in social care.

Call for Views and Experiences