Civil Society Group Statement on Recent Racist Violence

As a member of the Civil Society Group VODG signed the below statement condemning the recent racist violence.

06 Aug 2024

Statement on the recent racist violence

6 August 2024 

Civil society organisations are on the front line in the racist violence that is affecting many parts of the country.  Their premises have been targeted, their services disrupted, and the communities that they serve left traumatised. 

As a group of civil society leaders, we reject and condemn the actions of those involved in the recent wave of violence.  This violent and vociferous minority, fuelled by hatred, Islamophobia and misinformation, act in direct contrast to the values of a fair, just and inclusive society.

Staff and volunteers working in civil society organisations will be feeling the same sense of shock and horror at the events of the past week that we are all experiencing, particularly those who are working with Muslim communities, or with migrants and refugees.

Civil society exists to make the world a better place – championing the voices of those who experience disadvantage and exclusion, providing lifeline services, and working to achieve social justice and cohesion.

Civil society leaders will play a leading role in the community response to this violent unrest – supporting those most affected, redoubling their efforts to maintain continuity, and playing their part in healing the harms caused by this lawless minority. 


Jane Ide OBE, Chief Executive, ACEVO 

Lucinda Godfrey, Chief Executive, ACOSVO

Liz Lowther, Chief Executive, Association of Chairs

Donal Watkin, Chief Executive, Association of Charitable Organisations (ACO)

Carol Mack OBE, Chief Executive, Association of Charitable Foundations

Adeela Warley OBE, Chief Executive, Charity Comms

Jonathan Chevalier, Chief Executive, Charity Digital

Caron Bradshaw OBE, Chief Executive, Charity Finance Group

Robin Osterley, Chief Executive, Charity Retail Association

Katie Docherty, Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Fundraising

Nadia Alomar, Chief Executive, Clore Social Leadership

Jane Colthup, Chief Executive, Community First Yorkshire

Victoria Armstrong, Chief Executive, Community Transport Association

Marcus Ward, Voluntary Chair, Consultants for Good

Amanda Tincknell CBE, Chief Executive, Cranfield Trust

Debra Allcock Tyler, Chief Executive, Directory of Social Change

Kamran Mallick, Chief Executive, Disability Rights UK

Ali Harris, Chief Executive, Equally Ours

Antonia Swinson, Chief Executive, Ethical Property Foundation

Rick Henderson, Chief Executive, Homeless Link

Brian Dalton, Chief Executive, Irish in Britain

Rebecca Wilkinson, Chief Executive, LawWorks

Tony Armstrong, Chief Executive, Locality

James Banks, Chief Executive, London Funders

Anna Feuchtwang, Chief Executive, National Children’s Bureau

Jacob Lant, Chief Executive, National Voices

Maddy Desforges OBE, Chief Executive, NAVCA

Sarah Elliott, Chief Executive, NCVO

Janet Thorne, Chief Executive, Reach Volunteering

Deborah Layde, Chief Executive, The Seafarers' Charity

Fiona Sandford, Chief Executive, Visionary

Dr Rhidian Hughes, Chief Executive, Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG)

Lindsay Cordery-Bruce, Chief Executive, WCVA


The most up to date list of signatories can be found on the Civil Society Group's website