Choice to Reduce Waiting Times

In response to the announcement today that patients will be offered more choice and greater control over their NHS care.

25 May 2023
by Rhidian Hughes

In response to the announcement today that patients will be offered more choice and greater control over their NHS care, Rhidian Hughes, Chief Executive of VODG (Voluntary Organisations Disability Group) says:

‘We welcome efforts to improve patient choice and reduce NHS waiting times, but choice must be available, equally, for all patients. 

Disabled people already face significant health inequalities. It is imperative that plans to extend choice are inclusive and accessible to all and do not exacerbate the challenges people with disabilities and their families already face when trying to access the NHS. A one-size-fits-all approach to this would compound existing barriers and existing prejudice within the health system.

Announcement made today by the Department of Health and Social Care.