Building the Right Support | VODG Position Paper

Our updated Building the Right Support Position Paper sets out work so far and key asks for the next government.

21 Jun 2024
by Sarah Woodhouse

The detention of autistic people and people with a learning disability in locked settings is a national scandal, and one that is wholly avoidable.

As we approach the general election, we have published an updated position paper on Building the Right Support, gathering in one place a snapshot of our activity to date and setting out our key asks to the next government.

Our work with VODG members, the Challenging Behaviour Foundation and others continues to emphasise the importance of community provision to support autistic people and people with a learning disability to move out of Assessment and Treatment Units, and the changes needed, including to the Mental Health Act, to stop people being detained in the first place. 

In this report we call on the next government to prioritise this group and work with councils, charities and others to ensure:

  • Autistic people and people with a learning disability are not inappropriately referred to ATUs
  • Targets to reduce the number of autistic people and people with a learning disability in ATUs are met and not ignored, including action taken by the CQC to hold the system to account, and 
  • Money is diverted and invested in community services.

While we draw out three key asks, there are many changes needed and refer to some of the campaigns and calls VODG and our members support. We know VODG members continue to shine a spotlight on the reforms needed, and we are keen to gather and share further examples of good practice, campaigns and asks so we can maximise the power of our collective voice. 

With an emphasis on the difference made by community provision, we thank SeeAbility, Turning Point and VoiceAbility for helping to share Ben's story, Zoe's experience (including an introduction to Bella-Roseand the different experiences of Bethany and her Dad Jeremy, Lucy and Pam

Read our Updated Policy Position.

Read our press release.