VODG responds to Migration Advisory Committee report into social care and immigration
27 April 2022In response to today's publication of the Migration Advisory Committee's (MAC) report into adult social care and immigration, Dr Rhidian Hughes, Chief Executive of the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG), said:
“At the heart of social care is the workforce supporting people to maintain their independence and dignity and working tirelessly to make our lives better and our communities stronger. The very best care and support for disabled and older people who need it most in society is provided by a committed social care workforce. Yet, government’s under-funding of social care holds us back in properly rewarding staff for the valuable work they do. The consequences are that we are not recruiting and retaining sufficient talent in the sector and that risks pulling away essential services for those that need them the most.
“The Migration Advisory Committee’s report offers a further wake up call for government. The Voluntary Organisations Disability Group backs the Committee’s recommendation to fully fund a rate of social care pay above the National Living Wage. A fully funded £10.50 per hour social care rate would be a good start, but we know the true value of care work is much more. We need to be ambitious in rewarding talent for much needed social care.
“We urge government to embrace the Committee’s recommendations. This will require government to release additional funding for the care workforce. At present, charities are prevented from improving pay rates because funding passed down by central government to local authorities falls woefully insufficient.”
VODG Media Centre