26 Jan 2018

The latest STOMP for social care news

Welcome to the second edition of STOMP News, the e-bulletin for social care providers committed to STopping the Over-Medication of People with a learning disability, autism or both. In this edition you will find:
  • A request to review your STOMP action plan
  • Case studies demonstrating good practice in tackling over-medication
  • Information about a new set of STOMP films and other resources to assist you
  • A round up following our STOMP conference for social care providers.
If you have not already subscribed, you can register here to receive future editions of STOMP news.
Review your STOMP plan
2018 STOMP NEWS (2st Ed)
If your STOMP plan has been in place for four months or more, then it’s time for a review. Please complete the review columns in your planning document and send to [email protected]
Case Studies
2018 STOMP NEWS (2st Ed)
An important part of the STOMP healthcare campaign is the sharing of good practice and case studies. We are  collating case studies to be made more widely available, including on social media (#STOMP). These stories are an excellent way of sharing learning and good practice. Please send to: [email protected]
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This case study illustrates how the positive involvement of a family member can be key to tackling over-medication. Top tips are also identified in this example. 
And here....
Removing unnecessary medication in a controlled way significantly increased this person's quality of life. A better understanding of what he is communicating through his behaviour continues to be the key to this success. 
STOMP films
2018 STOMP NEWS (2st Ed)
Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has developed a series of short films about STOMP. While aimed primarily at healthcare workers these also provide a suitable introduction for people working in social care.
2018 STOMP NEWS (2st Ed)
Access a range of resources on the NHS England and VODG websites to support the implementation of STOMP in your organisation.
Pledge support to the STOMP campaign in social care here.
‘Preparing to visit a doctor' provides a structure for frontline staff to support a person with a learning disability, autism or both who is preparing for a medical appointment to review psychotropic medication.
This audit tool is for providers who are looking to gain an overview of the use of psychotropic medication in their organisation.
NHS England resources including advice for people with a learning disability and their families, are available here.
At the recent STOMP for social care conference, some providers expressed a willingness to share resources they have developed to support the implementation of STOMP. If you would like to share tools, policies, policies, training material or any other resources, please email them to [email protected] and we circulate. 
Conference Round Up

CVT Shared Lives @CVTSharedLives

CVT Shared Lives at the STOMP conference. 1 in 6 people with LD/Autism over prescribed psychotropic medication on a daily basis. Need to change #STOMP @SharedLivesPlus @CommCats @VoiceAbility
Rhidian Hughes 
Rhidian Hughes
Introductory and concluding slide deck as .PDF

Anne Webster @AWebster67

#STOMP @rhidianhughes says today is about giving people the tools and resources to implement #STOMP effectively. Need tto turn the pledges into action. #pledge #plan #act #motorbikemuseum
Morning Plenary
Jackie Fletcher and Charles Collier (Dimensions)
Jackie Fletcher and Charles Collier (Dimensions)
Plenary slide deck as .PDF

Laura Picton @lauracathpicton

Jackie Fletcher @DimensionsUK explaining what worked with #STOMP implementation

Sarah Miller @SarahlMiller01

Listening to inspirational stories #STOMP conference today
Michael Fullerton (Care Management Group)
Michael Fullerton (Care Management Group)
Plenary slide deck as .PDF

CMG @CMGCare_Support

Michael Fullerton ‘really listening and engaging with families’ ‘help grow the family voice to challenge prescription of medications for people with LD’ #stomp

Anne Webster @AWebster67

#STOMP @MichaelFullert3 @CMGCare_Support talking now about “mother blame” and the need to listen to families who know their loved ones best. All too often families are labelled as difficult
Laura Picton (Care Quality Commission)
Laura Picton (Care Quality Commission)
Plenary slide deck as .PDF

WhatMattersMost @MencapQuality

@CareQualityComm the implementation of #STOMP is an opportunity to show how you are really listening to people and working in a person centred way....

Debbie Neill @Neill61Debbie

@Advancetweets #STOMP. Making your pledge real. Advance attends VODG conference to learn about best practice and implementation of plans to stop the over medicating of people with a learning disability.
MiXiT: STOMP it out
Film preview of the STOMP it out performance.

Cherise Gyimah @GyimahCherise

Great presentation MiXiT @MiXiT_MUSIC #STOMP See (Jo as a person),Tell (talk about the medication), move from Out of sight, out of mind, have a Medication review and Plan (health plans, person -centred plans). #powerful message

Sarah Miller @SarahlMiller01

Awesome 'Mixit' #STOMP it out social drama. Very moving
Workshops & Networking
Anne Webster & Carl Shaw (NHS England)
Anne Webster & Carl Shaw (NHS England)
Workshop slide deck
as .PDF
Dave Robinson (Dimensions)
Dave Robinson (Dimensions)
Workshop slide deck
as .PPT
Lindsay Way (Care Management Group)
Lindsay Way (Care Management Group)
Workshop slide deck
as .PDF

Active Prospects @Active_Prospect

Laura Picton (Care Quality Commission)
Angella, Service Manager for our Rosedene and London Road residential services, is finding today's #STOMP conference in Coventry extremely informative around best practice in stopping the over-medication of people with a #learningdisability #autism or both

Laura Picton @lauracathpicton

Laura Picton @lauracathpicton
"Families have never been wrong" #STOMP

Michael Fullerton @MichaelFullert3

Michael Fullerton @MichaelFullert3
#STOMP @AWebster67 @CarlShaw30 Key messages about importance of health/wellbeing e.g. 80% pple with learning disabilities insufficient levels of activity #healthcharter @NHSEngland @VODGmembership
Closing Plenary
Ray James (NHS England)
Ray James (NHS England)
Plenary slide deck as .PDF

estten74 @estten74

Trained staff equates to empowered staff who drive quality services. #Valuecarers @rayjjames #STOMP

Melissa Layton @mel7mb

Melissa Layton @mel7mb

“Powerful message from @rayjjames @VODGmembership conference #STOMP such a worthwhile day”

Kim @kimberlina_17

“Great day at the STOMP Pledge conference. @MiXiT_MUSIC you were awesome! #STOMP

Milestones Trust @MilestonesTrust

Fantastic @VODGmembership #STOMP conference today, with brilliant speakers and powerful messages. Together, we can make change happen.

Rhidian Hughes @rhidianhughes

Great event with terrific speakers and lots of energy in the sector to make #STOMP change happen t.co/6K0QivUrSi
Keep in contact with #STOMP for social care!
2018 STOMP NEWS (2st Ed)
Send your case studies and resources for sharing to: [email protected] 
If you're not part of the move to eradicate over-medication in learning disability and/or autism services make a pledge today:
And sign up to the newsletter:
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