24 Nov 2017

Tackling health inequalities: event roundup

An important focus for VODG in 2017/18 is to work across the membership to support collective actions to reduce health inequalities. This programme was initiated at our chief executives and senior directors network meeting in March 2017. A working group was established to review what resources were already available to support good practice. 
An event was held on 17 November 2017 in Birmingham for service managers/registered managers and organisational leads responsible for addressing health inequalities. This gave members the opportunity to hear from speakers, to share learning and good practice and to make a pledge about the improvements they plan to make. (VODG will be writing to all participants in six months to check progress!). This is the social share!
Area Managers from our #Calderdale #Kirklees and #Leeds services are attending the tackling health inequalities experienced by disabled people event
Chris, Salem and Shenaz from our Young Prospects service are in Birmingham today for the @VODGmembership conference around Health Inequalities for those with #learningdisabilities
Sad that we still need to talk about health inequalities for people with learning disabilities but glad that I am part of this #VODG event
Scott Watkin
Slide deck from Scott Watkin's presentation.
I've heard it before, but it's always shocking to see the stark statistics - women with a learning disability die on average 20 yrs before women without a learning disability + men 13 yrs
@scottwatkin says: "you would think that we wouldn't need to fight as much to live independent lives and be in as much poverty as other people, but the sad case is that we do" #VODG17
George Matuska
@GeorgeMatuska asks @scottwatkin about whether services have changed. Scott underlines the importance of services working together with the person at the centre. But sometimes: "...you don't see the joined up working, and decisions made without the person".
George Matuska
George Matuska
Prezi presentation by George Matuska.
George HEE get experts by experience telling professionals what is needed they listen more -more powerful @VODGmembership @TurningPointUK
VODG17 Link into your local HEE office if you would like more info https://t.co/pwHIBrrZpk @NHS_HealthEdEng
Failure is success if we learn from it, important message from George Matsuoka at #VODG17
Excellent points being raised about the value of social media at today's #vodg17 conference on health inequality
Claire Bates
Claire Bates
VODG survey results in a slide deck presented by Claire Bates.
Lots of examples from Claire Bates @Choice_Support about what is working well in tacking health inequalities from the VODG survey #VODG17
Hospital passports are great but what is the point if they are not read by busy health care professionals
At #VODG17 today which is all about tackling health inequalities for ppl with disabilities. Great LD representation
MOOC on Autism available for all at @TizardCentre #VODG17 https://t.co/SXEHhZHtrw
Paul Pargeter 
Paul Pargeter
Slide deck from the roundtable discussions with Paul Pargeter and Scott Waktins
Just some of the key messages from today #VODG17
"Don't be afraid to share and seek out information."
“There is no competition between us when working on health inequalities.”
Pledges being captured by @fritchie50 and will be emailed back to colleagues in six months to check on progress #VODG17
Co-chairs of today's #VODG17 event @scottwatkin & @fritchie50 who have been working together for over ten years!
Great inequalities in health conference today thank you @fritchie50 and @VODGmembership for letting me co chair today feeling proud to be there #VODG17
@vodgmembership: Thanks to VODG members who...
Thanks to VODG members who organised today's event, our speakers, interpreters and everyone attending with a clear commitment to tackle health inequalities. #VODG17
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