Through the contribution of our members, VODG forms part of a community of more than 100 values-based organisations, that play a vital role in supporting more than a million disabled adults and children to live full independent lives.
Active Prospects supports people with learning disabilities, autism, mental health needs, acquired brain injury and those with complex needs and behaviours that challenge.
The Aldingbourne Trust is dedicated to helping local businesses, communities and people with learning disabilities and / or autism to enjoy life, together.
Autism at Kingwood provides supported living, to over 150 autistic people and people with Asperger Syndrome, helping them to live successfully in their own homes.
Avenues Group are a charity specialising in supporting people with learning disability, autism and complex support needs to enjoy fulfilling lives in the community.
Bromley Mencap provides a range of services for disabled people, families and carers, and campaigning on issues of interest which impact the lives of disabled people.
Our values underpin everything that we do at the Chiltern Centre and we expect our whole staff team and all those involved in the care we do to live and work by these values.
Choice Support is a charitable Community Benefit Society, formed in 1984, that supports autistic people, people with learning disabilities and/or mental health needs.
We are an established charity that specialises in the provision of adult services to individuals with complex physical disabilities and acquired brain injury.
Enham Trust is a disability charity based in Hampshire that supports disabled people to live, work and enjoy life to the full, as independently as possible.
Supporting people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health needs to do the simple things that make a real difference to their everyday life.
Martha Trust offers friendship and encouragement to the people with profound physical and multiple learning disabilities, enabling them to achieve their own goals.
We provide the vital tools that people with multiple disabilities need to keep moving forward and to escape mental, emotional and physical deterioration.
Purley Park Trust is a charity that supports adults with learning disabilities, aiming to give people a better service than they can get anywhere else.