Percy Hedley
The Percy Hedley Foundation is a charity dedicated to improving the every day lives of people with disabilities.
We want to help people with disabilities to live their best lives. We’re driven by our vision for a world in which people with disabilities can realise their potential as equal and active citizens in control of their lives. This sits at the heart of everything we do. All of this is underpinned by both our passion to enrich people’s lives and by our moral and statutory responsibilities.
We get to work with extraordinary people every day. Some of our students, residents and members have challenging needs and they and their families are an inspiration to us every day. Our commitment as a charity is simple, but one we do not take lightly. Some of our students, residents and members have very complex needs and to enable them to live their best lives and reach their full potential, we need the best team, special facilities and equipment.
What We Do
We help people develop their abilities, live the life they want and be happy by providing top quality care, education, lifelong learning, social enterprise and employment opportunities at our two schools, college, homes, and lifelong learning services.