Parity for Disability

“How can you go from school, from having all these things, to suddenly…nothing?” – Parent

That’s the difficult reality for many young people with multiple disabilities and for families who deal with 24/7 care responsibilities. It’s why parents and professionals started Parity’s services in 1991.

We provide the vital tools that people with multiple disabilities need to keep moving forward and to escape mental, emotional and physical deterioration. Our staff are trained and our services equipped so students can shape activities, build friendships and relationships, expand their horizons, contribute to their community – in fact, do what everyone else is doing.

And there are more reasons why people requiring specialist knowledge and experience come to us:

Parity’s Music Therapy Service, where qualified therapists bring about personal change through the power of music, Parity’s Easter and Summer Activity Schemes, where young people with multiple disabilities do the indoor and outdoor activities other youngsters might take for granted.

We adapt to meet the students’ evolving needs by linking up with partners, organisations, councillors, MPs, decision makers and health and social care teams.

The loyal support of our sponsors, donors and volunteers ensures that the students’ hard-won opportunities are never taken away.