Chrysalis Supported Association

Chrysalis grew out of a genuine desire to help and enable those people in society who are most in need and most disadvantaged by promoting values of fairness and integrity in all aspects of everything we do. Here at Chrysalis we believe that everyone regardless of their social status, age, gender or ability, deserves the right to be valued and to be treated equally and fairly at all times.

We believe that everyone deserves a chance to live the life’s they truly want and aspire toward and to have access to a good, safe, well-resourced home that is of a quality and design that enables them to live a life that is as independent as possible.

Our business is person driven and designed around the needs of each individual regardless of how complex the need is. We have grown throughout the years to learn that the relationship with all of our tenants is the very driver that continues to inform our ongoing approach. We have learned our approach by doing it, not by theorising about it and by remaining open to continually learning from our tenants who tell us what works and what doesn’t!

Our services are therefore designed for those who need and use them and so by being user led and user informed we have developed a philosophy that is centred in this way and continues to remain at the very heart of all of Chrysalis’ service designs.

This enables us to remain true to our core operational values of Fairness, Honesty and Integrity as it was when we started many years ago and continues to be right up to the present day!