Trustee (multiple roles)

Aspens Charities

Job role

At Aspens, we have over 100 years of experience in supporting people with learning disabilities and on the autism spectrum as well as children, young people and adults with a range of disabilities or complex needs. We are here to provide practical and emotional support at all levels of independence, in everyday environments and in the community so that each member of our extended family is empowered to live the way they choose. In fact, our most powerful advances come from the people we support, because they tell us how it should be.

Overall purpose

The Board of Trustees are responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the charity, developing the organisation’s aims, objectives and goals in accordance with the governing documents, legal and regulatory guidelines. The Board take ultimate legal and financial responsibility for the charity and help ensure it uses its resources wisely to have a positive impact on people with a learning disability or with autism today and in the future.

Aspens are looking for 3-4 trustees to join us on the next exciting part of our journey. We'd love to hear from you if you have accountancy, social care, business development or fundraising experience.

Main responsibilities

  • To ensure that Aspens Charities complies at all times with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.

  • To ensure that Aspens effectively pursues its objects as defined in its governing document for the public benefit.

  • To ensure the effectiveness of management’s financial controls, responsible management of the charity’s resources and that Aspens applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects i.e., the charity must not spend money on activities that are not covered by its objects, no matter how worthwhile or charitable those activities may be.

  • To develop and determine strategy, the setting of overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets, thus ensuring accountability.

Specific Responsibilities

1. Governance

  • To attend Board meetings and participate in decision making by the Board and act with reasonable care and skill.

  • To be a member of Board Committees as required and agreed.

  • To regularly evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of the Board.

  • To ensure that the charity’s policies are in line with current legislation and good practice.

  • To approve and regularly review the charity’s budget.

  • To ensure that the charity is structured to ensure it is financially sound.

  • To ensure that all published reports adequately reflect the nature of the charity and its financial health.

  • To comply with the charity’s conflict of interest policy.

  • To appoint independent auditors and approve audited accounts.

2. Leadership

  • To promote the charity’s mission and values.

  • To promote the reputation of the charity.

  • To provide the strategic leadership necessary for all staff to deliver high quality services at all times.

  • To represent the charity at public events.

3. Strategy

  • To regularly assess the market and review and develop the charity’s strategy.

  • To agree the Annual Plan implementing the strategy.

  • To review and authorise any major corporate changes to the charity e.g. corporate amalgamations, takeovers or formal partnerships.

4. Performance Management

  • To monitor and assess the charity’s results in relation to the agreed objectives, budget and business plan.

5. Risk management

  • To maintain a robust overview of the principal risks facing the charity.

  • To exercise scrutiny over the charity’s risk management systems.

6. Executive performance monitoring and remuneration

  • To recruit and support the Chief Executive Officer.

  • To monitor performance for the CEO and maintain an overview of Executive Team performance.

In addition to the above duties, each Trustee should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the Board reach sound decisions. These may involve scrutinising Board and focus group papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives and other issues in which the Trustee has special expertise.

A Trustee is required to act reasonably and prudently in all matters relating to the charity and must always act in the best interests of Aspens Charities.

As the Board is responsible and liable for the governance and functioning of the charity, they are accountable in varying degrees to a variety of stakeholders, including people we support and funders.

We're looking for:

  • Commitment to the goals and aims of the charity.

  • Dedication to the role and a willingness to devote the required time (up to 3 (three) board meetings per year and up to 3 (three) hybrid committee meetings per year – plus annual away day, annual event, 4 service visits and ad hoc work)

  • The ability to make good independent judgements.

  • Being able to think creatively.

  • Understanding the importance of carrying out required legal duties.

  • Proven strategic abilities that can be used to create effective plans.

  • Strength of character coupled with the ability to voice concerns and opinions.

  • Proven experience working as a member of successful teams.

  • Integrity and objectivity which can be applied to all aspects of the role.