VODG Marketing & Communications Professional Network Meeting | March 2025

The next meeting of the Marketing and Communications professional network is now open for booking.

We are delighted to welcome back Gina Hollands of Hollands Associates. At our last meeting, Gina spoke about communications during “planned” crises, such as redundancies or service closures. At this meeting she will speak about the other side of crisis communications, what to do when things suddenly and unexpectedly go wrong.

Our next agenda item will allow members to discuss the topics that matter most. This open session encourages participants to share and explore the challenges they face with their peers. The goal is to consider different perspectives on these challenges and identify potential solutions.

Finally, we will hear from James Armstrong of Social Firefly who will be sharing insight on social media analytics. There have been significant changes in analytics over the past couple of years, particularly on the platform X, in the last six months. Many members have expressed concerns about understanding the best ways to track social media performance, which statistics are most meaningful, how to measure social media success, and how organisations can utilise this information effectively.

Please book your place today to avoid missing this exciting event.


Gina Hollands

Gina Hollands

Managing Director, Hollands Associates

Find out more

James Armstrong

James Armstrong

Co-founder, Social Firefly

Find out more


Draft programme


VODG Welcome

Sue Howarth, Membership and Marketing Officer at VODG





Crisis communications – unplanned crises

Gina Hollands, Managing Director, Hollands Associates


Group discussions



Social Media Analytics

James Armstrong, Co-founder at Social Firefly


Topics for future meetings

VODG co-chairs


Final Roundup

Sue Howarth, Membership and Marketing Officer at VODG




Please note, should you have any accessibility requirements, we will do our best to make necessary arrangements to support you; however, we may require up to four weeks notice, so please list your requirements on the booking form. Closed captions are used as standard in online meetings. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Join the Marketing & Communications Professional Network

The Marketing & Communications network provides colleagues a secure space to discuss pertinent issues and topics via our online forum, to upload documents and to view the lastest network events. 


Marketing and Communications

Members (197) Discussions (28)

The VODG marketing and communications professional network welcomes MarComms professionals from amongst our membership.

VODG Marketing & Communications Network Co-chairs

Lizzie Courtney

Lizzie Courtney

Head of Brand, External Communications and Marketing, Hft