VODG CEO Breakfast Meeting | VAT Novation

Following VODG’s previous work on VAT novation, this breakfast meeting will bring CEOs together to share their experience of how novation works and how to maximise its opportunities.

VODG member Chief Executives* are invited to join us for this member-led online breakfast meeting on 19 September, 08.15 - 09.00, focusing on VAT Novation. 

Following VODG’s previous work on VAT novation, this breakfast meeting will bring CEOs together to share their experience of how novation works and how to maximise its opportunities.

The session will cover the results of VODG's FOIA work and include updates from Steve Veevers of Hft and Robert Shanahan of Aspens, who are at different stages of their VAT Novation journeys. This will be followed by an opportunity for chief executives to engage in an in-depth discussion on what this could mean for their organisation.


Last year, VODG sent Freedom of Information requests to all councils with social services responsibilities, seeking information about contracts held with providers' trading subsidiaries in order to reclaim VAT. Over 90% of councils responded. Some councils do not have arrangements in place, while others do, and a few councils indicated an active interest in the opportunity.

The findings of that work, along with a VAT Novation 101 slide deck from MHA, can be found in the CEO resources library.

Members of our Finance Directors Network have contributed to this work, and we invite CEOs to add their intelligence to the tracker so that we continue to build an accurate picture of where opportunities exist.

Meeting Facilitators 

Rhidian Hughes

Rhidian Hughes

Chief Executive, Voluntary Organisations Disability Group

Find out more

Robert Shanahan

Robert Shanahan

Chief Executive, Aspens

Find out more

Steve Veevers

Steve Veevers

Chief Executive, Hft

Find out more


Please note that should you have any accessibility requirements, we will do our best to make necessary arrangements to support you; however, we may require up to four weeks' notice, so please list your requirements on the booking form. Closed captions are used as a standard in online meetings. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

*Please note that this event is exclusive to member Chief Executives. We are unable to accept substitutes.