(New Date) VODG Chief Executive and Senior Director's Event | Spotlight on Fees for 2024/25

An opportunity for VODG member CEOs and senior directors to talk about 2024/25 funding, fees and messaging.

VODG recently wrote to all cabinet members responsible for adult and children services on the importance of engaging well with third-sector partners ahead of their budget setting and fee uplifts in 2024/25. However, we know this engagement varies significantly across the country.

The issue of fees often features in our professional networks, and given the urgency of achieving adequate fee rates for 2024/25, we are convening a special spotlight session for Chief Executives and senior directors.

We will hear from Tom Noon (Chairman, Cordis Bright) with an assessment of the local authority finance settlement and the issues and observations providers should now be considering as a consequence.

As part of the meeting, we will provide space for members to share their perspectives and activities in working with commissioners towards fair settlements.

This senior-level session is aimed at member Chief Executives or their direct deputies, offering a forum to share insight and discuss messaging for funding and fees in 2024/25.

Please note that this meeting was originally due to take place on 17 January; however, due to an unprecedented demand, and to avoid running an extensive plenary meeting, we postponed the session to this date. This decision was made to ensure our members receive maximum value from the session and that your time is utilised effectively.
